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What is it really like to work in science?

It can be hard to imagine what path your career might take, or what that path might look like, so why not ask the people who really know? Here are some interviews with women who work in science who will give you some insight into what their careers are like, how they got there, and some advice on how to get there.


Have you ever wondered what is it like to work as a herpetologist? What about an animal biologist with a focus on science communication? Have you thought about being a doctor? A research scientist in chemistry? Dreamt of becoming an animal behaviourist working with wolves? How about a marine biologist? A geneticist, or an ecologist? Another career option is marine biogeochemist, had you thought of that? Or a geotechnical engineer? A field environmental advisor? What about a career as a dentist?


New interview transcripts will be updated regularly, so remember to keep checking back to learn more about the world of science!



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